„# JustBeHuman“ it is that simple. HumanDHS

Ideas for a better world

We are a group of experts and laymen, gathering information and ideas on how to make the world a more civilized home for humanity. We present some of them here and offer you to join the movement of dignity.

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Can this lead to a new method of holistic learning?

Dignifriend Lucien suggests that thinking about dignity for yourself and others may lead to improvement. Can this be methodically taught and could a change in schooling be an asset? „Certainly“, says Social Media Designate Michael Boyer. „The more a teen grappled with the bigger picture and tried to learn from the stories, the more that…

The conflict from the inside

Dr. Martha Eddy suggests a book to explore the issues from the inside: To „support the dignity that exists within each person. I’m enjoying the book The Wall Between by an Israeli and a Palestinian helping people from other countries (mostly Americans) understand the dynamics of Identity, Trauma and a persisting mindset of victimhood on…

Divisiveness is not a solution, it is the problem

Chad Haines astutely describes the situation facing us all. „It is not Muslims who are a threat to American society and democracy, but rather those who prefer tribalism and racism, be it against Black, Latino or Asian people, be it antisemitism or Islamophobia.“ Chad Haines, Ph.D., is co-director of the Center of Muslim Experience in…

Is Ockham’s Razor the cutting edge?

Jim Al-Khalili writes: „…it is hard to fight the human impulse to look for the simplest account of something we don’t understand….“ „We are seeing a social trend toward simplistic arguments, particularly in relation to ethical or political issues, that intentionally ignore subtlety and complexity, distilling the issues into memes and tweets in which all…

Silence is Golden, right?

Elizabeth Spiers, a contributing Opinion writer, is a journalist and digital media strategist. She writes in the New York Times: „…reduces complex issues to a simple yes or no. Taking simplistic stands can also lead to twisting words. Concern for Palestinians is portrayed as support for Hamas or hatred toward Israel or Jews in general.…

White-collar miners: who is devastating the Amazon?

LUIS SALAS RODRÍGUEZ writes for DEBATES INDÍGENAS „…it is the greedy, ambitious, luxurious and speculative demand of privileged sectors of planetary society that makes possible and explains the existence of the miner. The goldminers only do the dirty work, but they are the scapegoats of a system of destruction in which several players participate.“ Read…

Freedom from Workplace Bullies Week (Oct. 15-21)

Hello dear readers, this is Freedom From Workplace Bullies Week, an annual observance launched by the Workplace Bullying Institute (WBI) some 13 years ago. WBI describes Freedom Week this way: Bullying is a systematic campaign of interpersonal destruction that jeopardizes your health, your career, the job you once loved. Bullying is a non-physical, non-homicidal form of…

The aggression must be stopped!

Georg Geckler writes a „letter to the editor“ in English and German, responding to the recent conflicts and suggesting a solution: The new war in Israel and Gaza shows what happens when governments like those of Prime Minister Netanyahu and the Hamas have been allowed to go on for too long. A war of extermination…

Wildfires in Europe

At the end of August, large portions of the protected forest of Dadia in northern Greece were destroyed in Europe’s largest ever wildfire. The amount damage is simply impossible to take in. The mind is stunned at such immense areas of destruction. Thousands of acres, 820 square Kilometers were on fire. The national forest is…


Admit it. You may not have gotten the message. Fridays for Future knows exactly that I am talking about, 5 Minutes before Midnight. But then again, they’re digital natives. They might not have gotten it so quickly using an analog clock. And maybe we have discovered the root of the problem. Aren’t we all talking…

11. September Vortrag in Hameln

Die aus Hameln stammende Gründerin des globalen Netzwerkes „Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies“, Dr. Dr. Evelin Lindner, wird am 11. September um 19 Uhr bis 21 Uhr im Forum des Schillergymnasiums einen Vortrag halten mit dem Titel:  „Raus aus der Sackgasse! Wege vom Protest zum Handeln“  Raus aus der Sackgasse! Vortrag mit Diskussion im Schillergymnasium…


The 2nd Panhellenic Student Competition winners. As reported on aclcf.org (The group who are cleaning the Mediterranean beaches with the ship „Typhoon“) The 2nd Panhellenic Student Competition of the Foundation, entitled „The sea I want to have!“, has been completed! With more than 500 entries, primary and secondary school students showed us how they perceive marine…

“If you run out of oxygen, the other problems are inconsequential.” 

Researchers complain that the oxygen problem doesn’t get the attention it deserves, with ocean acidification and warming grabbing the bulk of both news headlines and academic research.  Yale University directs our attention to an important aspect. Read more here: https://e360.yale.edu/features/as-ocean-oxygen-levels-dip-fish-face-an-uncertain-future climate,future,education,sustainability,Yale,ocean oxygen

Somatic Movement Summit soon!

Dignifriend Dr. Martha Eddy wants us to move fot better well-being. Each will share their life stories, their expertise across many different somatic disciplines and guide you through somatic practices that help attune with others, raise awareness, and invoke voices for change, while they foster a sense of resilient ease and well-being. For any of you…

Evelin Lindner writes for the great transition.

The Great Transition Movement has analyzed the historical aspects of change. „What does the longest arc of history tell us about our global moment? In his opening essay, David Christian explores how the Big History framework illuminates where we are and clarifies what we must do. Panel 1 affirms and expands the framework; Panel 2…

Climate crisis for breakfast

Dear interested reader, I have been an avid reader since my youth and even as a child I would read over the entire cereal box at breakfast in the morning. It always had the healthy pyramid design. A visual warning to consume less sweets: Dr. Kellogg, or his followers, wished to imply to us that…

Annual Conference in review

Our dearest Evelin has been underway since the conference, supporting dignity in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Ramallah and in-between. Finally she has had time to reflect upon the Annual Conference in Amman. Find her reflections and those of the other participants on the HumanDHS page. Video documentation and more at: https://humiliationstudies.org/whoweare/annualmeeting/37.php #ammanconference,#dignism,#ecocide,#cognitocide,Amman Conference,El Hassan bin Talal,Evelin…

Green-Brain-Washing in Germany

Is there such a thing as Anti-Trust Ecology? Can a company who creates a great amount of waste be successful by also owning the company that recycles the waste? The Lidl Foundation (not company), is the major competitor of Aldi in Germany. They have also been running the „PreZero“ recycling company since at least 2020.…

Ikigai: It’s not just for middle-aged searchers

Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons Ikigai, according to Wikipedia, „is a Japanese concept referring to something that gives a person a sense of purpose, a reason for living.“ It is most commonly explained by invoking some version of the diagram reproduced above. The common center of all four circles is considered to be the state of…

Photo by Max Fischer on Pexels.com

The Capture of Democracy by Marketocracy

Álvaro J. de Regil blogs us a sad but imperative scenerio. The Germans say, „Those who don’t listen must feel the pain.“ But should we really let them take us with them on the path of disaster? „…we must wake up, mobilize, and organize in order to force the replacement of the structures of unrelenting growth,…

Playing for Change

Okay, „Playing for Change“ could mean busking in the street, but here it is a dignified meeting through music – THE universal language and heartfelt humanity. Hear it here – https://youtu.be/WkA9b2W-0Fw “Guajira” means “female peasant” and is also the name of a popular genre of Cuban music whose rhythm shifts from 6/8 to 3/4 time…

Forget the AI hype

Says Umair Haque. „Who would have thought that technology would point to living in Dignity? Glorious!“ Michael Boyer, social media designate. „…Minds are the beings out there. In the world. It’s full of them. They’re going extinct. And here we are, obsessing over…bots. It’s absurd, ridiculous, and gross. What’s our moral duty? What makes us human? Well,…

Environmental and global warming concepts, Live and dead big tree

Ecocide Success?

The Ecocide debate appears to slowly bear fruit. The resolution calls for the 46 member states of the Council to “build and consolidate a legal framework for the enhanced protection of the environment in armed conflicts at national, European and international levels” Read more at https://www.stopecocide.earth/breaking-news-2023/council-of-europe-assembly-adopts-resolution-to-codify-ecocide

Just be human. It’s that easy. #dignism

A present to the world

Yes, we have often given a message to the world. This time we send the gift of music. As of the Annual Conference in December, we released the Dignity Song „Just Be Human“ as an anthem to our cause. #digniworld puts it online on our YouTube channel today and we link it here for your…

Peter Coleman’s presentation

see the presentation of „The Way Out“ from the annual conference on YouTube. Peter T. Coleman is professor of psychology and education at Columbia University, where he holds a joint appointment at Teachers College and the Earth Institute and directs two research centers. In addition to recently published The Way Out: How to Overcome Toxic Polarization, he…

Annual Conference Review

We celebrate our 19th successful annual workshop at Columbia University in New York City. The workshop was dedicated to the World Dignity University initiative (WDUi) and titled, „For People and the Planet: Learning for a Future of Dignity.“ It took place on 9th December on Zoom. Yesterday, editing and uploading all videos and pictures was…

The Digniversity as we see it:

Evelin Lindner and Linda Hartling presented a framework for the WDUi on Friday – Learning for a Dignified and Dignifying Future — Evelin Lindner, Founding President of HumanDHS and Global Ambassador of the WDUi, and Linda Hartling, Director of HumanDHS Evelin: The World Dignity University (WDU) initiative is an invitation by its founders to all educators and…

A Gift for You!

From Francisco Gomes de Matos Please download and share this wonderful poster on The Linguistic Rights of the Elderly by peace linguist Francisco Gomes de Matos, a co-founder of the World Dignity University initiative anď co-founder of ABA Global Education in Recife, Brazil. Download the PDF here.

Wrong, very wrong

I found this picture on the website of a tourism supplier. Although it is very aesthetic, it is very wrong. I suppose that every thinking person should realize that this is a constructed image. Having made this supposition, I would hope that there are those wise enough to consider that on the top of a…

SkySails for Power, anyone?

You may have heard of SkySails saving fuel on freight ships, but what about a land and sea based power system at lower cost and easily installed? Hello, politicians! Get the barriers removed, or it will again be copied and exported. Michael Boyer – Social Media Designate, #digniworld.

Hurricane proof energy

This 100% solar community endured Hurricane Ian with no loss of power and minimal damage. By Rachel Ramirez, CNN „Sustainability at its best. Pass the word to the non-believers, they are truly in the dark. 😔“ Michael Boyer, Social Media Designate The streets in this meticulously planned neighborhood were designed to flood so houses don’t. Native…

United People more than United Nations

Our theme about the Amman Conference appears to be catching on. #unitedpeople #JustBeHuman Charter: …the primary purpose of the organization is “to maintain international peace and security, and to that end to take effective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression and other…

Review of Arun Gandhi Visit to the New York Society for Ethical Culture

Anastasia reports from the presentation on the occasion of Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday by his Grandson. Notes from event at Ethical  Society Guest: Arun Gandhi-grandson of Mahatma Gandhi and founder of the Gandhi-King foundation which may be finding its new home at the Ethical Society in NYC, it wasn’t very clear in the announcement. The foundation…

There are days

when I know that it is impossible, but still I try. Michael Boyer, social media designate.

Die Albtalstraße, auch L 154, ist eine fast 30 Kilometer lange Straße durch das Albtal im Landkreis Waldshut. Robert Gerwig entwarf ab 1853 die Albtalstraße von Albbruck nach St. Blasien. Die Straße verbindet die L 149 mit der Bundesstraße 34 und führt von St. Blasien nach Albbruck. Im Abschnitt zwischen Hohenfels und Tiefenstein, der mit Steinmäuerchen gesäumt ist führt der Straßenverlauf durch fünf kurze Tunnel, welche als technische Denkmäler gelten.[2] Einer von ihnen ist im Originalzustand, aus grobem Stein, die vier anderen wurden mit Spritzbeton geglättet. Im Abschnitt zwischen dem Albbrucker Ortsteil Hohenfels und dem Görwihler Ortsteil Tiefenstein kam es im Mai 2015 zu einem Felssturz mit anschließender Sperrung der 2,8 Kilometer langen Strecke. Seitdem setzt sich die Bürgerinitiative „Salpetererbewegung: Pro Albtalstraße“ mit verschiedenen Aktionen für die Wiedereröffnung der Straße ein.

Umwelt oder Autos?

Gegen die eigene Expansionshybris hat sich der Mensch Regeln gegeben, Umweltschutzbestimmungen und rote Listen mit bedrohten Arten. Allein in Deutschland sind laut Welt­natur­schutz­union derzeit 34 Prozent der einheimischen Tierarten und 26 Prozent der einheimischen Pflanzenarten bestandsgefährdet. Alle ringen um die Frage, ob Umwege zu ertragen sind für Fledermäuse und Tierwelt? Hier lesen. https://taz.de/Artenschutz-versus-Mobilitaet/!5876187/

The Jordan Press reports

Humandignitystudies is getting press in Jordan. Spreading the word throughout the world. “Dignity is the search for human solidarity that respects diversity and plurality, instead of polarity and hatred,” Prince Hassan said, calling to empower humankind and approach the concept of development through societal activation and empowerment. Read it here – https://www.jordantimes.com/news/local/dignity-search-human-solidarity-%E2%80%94-prince-hassan

Live conference begins tomorrow

Happy to remind you that the live conference in Amman begins tomorrow. How wonderful to be able to meet in person and in Dignity again. First impressions from the German delgates: Herzliche Grüße aus Amman!Wie wohnen hier mitten in der normalen Stadt, 3 min von den belebten Einkaufsstraßen entfernt.In dem Guesthouse sind wir zu sechs…

The Human Race is Against Time

Winning the Human Race Against Time: A Conversation with HRH Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan – More on Monday from the Amman Conference. The Club of Rome member speaks, “Sustainability does not have to come at the cost of social and economic progress. We have to talk about a developmental approach rather than…

Off to Amman

Evelin Lindner begins her journey to Amman, Jordan, to see after the preparations for the conference, beginning on the 5th of September. You are warmly invited to get a taste of our upcoming dignity conference in Amman, Jordan! We are honoured to be convening this event under the patronage and with the participation of His…

Welcome to the Amman Conference

His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan bin Talal, from „Civilizations and Its Discontents — The Price of Human Dignity,“ The Wilson Center, March 16, 2022. From United Nations to United People: From the Brink of Disaster to a Future of Dignity September 5 – 7, 2022 Online via Amman, Jordan